Weekly Portraits- The Fourth Week of July- SO Many Brothers Pictures

I wound up with more great pictures of the boys than I know what to do with this session.  Grandparents, get ready, you’ve hit the mother-load this week.  The light in my bedroom in the afternoons tends to be wonderful for photographs, so I dragged the boys upstairs, tossed them on my bed, and shot while they played.  They had both just gotten up from naps and were in a very loving mood, which resulted in lots of extremely sweet shots.  Shots I plan on clinging to when they knock each other down and steal each other’s toys and are generally being horrible little monsters to each other.

G helped me get my settings right for the light before we started:

Weekly Portraits- The Fourth Week of July

Then it was time to play!

Weekly Portraits- The Fourth Week of July

Weekly Portraits- The Fourth Week of July

Weekly Portraits- The Fourth Week of July

Weekly Portraits- The Fourth Week of July

Weekly Portraits- The Fourth Week of July

If these all look pretty sedate, there’s a reason.  These kiddos move FAST, and me, being silly, I didn’t change over to sport mode.  So, most of the “action” shots are blurred streaks of hair and teeth.  The ones that are in focus are almost all from resting in between bursts of activity.  Ah well.  Some day I’ll learn better!

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